Monday, October 26, 2009

Study Break

This was a Regina weekend, most definitely. Lunch at The Counter, the Three Apples exhibition at Royal/T, pumpkin ice cream with graham cracker crust at Cold Stones, exploration and dinner in Little Tokyo, and Disneyland were highlights. It was awesome seeing her after nearly a decade, and cool to meet her boyfriend and friends as well.

Today I stopped by the "RACE: Are We So Different?" exhibit at the Science Center for a MASC/HapaSC event, which was pretty interesting. Since then I've been preparing for other upcoming HapaSC events and studying for my three midterms, sort of.

The following are select pictures from the past few days, namely Three Apples and Disneyland. The topmost picture is of a small painting Regina made me of my childhood dog, Skippy. I've always liked Regina's style, and I LOVE this! Regina is a talented artist/illustrator - check out her deviantART page for more of her work.


  1. I love Disney! Cute pictures

  2. I had lots of fun too, even though I was sick (and still am). I was looking at my blogs and found one for the Three Apples Art exhibit. There were some celebrities the night before we went Imaginism Studios
