Last Saturday I spent the day at Disney's California Adventure. I'd been to it multiple times, but only once before have I ever spent the entire day there without also going to Disneyland (which is a story for another time). It was a lot of fun! Pictures are up on Facebook - all in one album, amazingly. I guess during the past week (?) Facebook changed their 60 picture album limit to 200. I haven't decided whether or not I like the change, yet. It's definitely more convenient, but it requires less weeding of pictures. Instead of only putting up the best pictures, the good and mediocre pictures get put up as well. I'm still trying to be a strict weeder, regardless...
I found my briefly missing external hard drive, which is good, because now I am able to transfer all the music that was on my old laptop and external onto my NEW lappy toppy :P I'm really enjoying this laptop. The more I look at it, the smaller and sleeker it becomes. And it's handling everything like a dream. I used the "Satellite" option on Google Maps today and found what I was looking for in mere seconds. I used to not be able to use Satellite because my computer just couldn't handle it. Sweet, sweet technology :)
Even still, transferring my music is taking a while. There's a lot of it, and I'm trying to keep it all organized. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to organize it on my new computer. I think I'll just make a single "Transferred [Date]" folder in my My Music folder and do it that way. We'll see.
Ah! I found out the other day that one of my childhood best friends got hired to be a Marketing Assistant in her dream city: San Francisco! I'm sooo happy for her. While San Francisco isn't the city for me (too fast paced and rainy... although I love visiting), it's definitely the city for her. I can't wait to visit her again! (I visited her last summer while she was working an internship - SO much fun.) I'm a little sad because, even though it's an amazing milestone moment, it's one of those moments that signifies growing up and getting older. Especially for someone I've known for so long, it's kind of weird to think about. We used to ride our bikes, complete with trainer wheels, around the neighborhood before school was anything more than a place where children gathered and learned how to spell difficult words like "the." Now, I will be riding an airplane to a completely different city where I expect I will go dancing and get drinks and hear about career related excitement. How life changes.
In other news, I watched UP in 3D yesterday. I expected it to be good, and it was. I expected it to be funny, and it was, sort of. The themes throughout the movie were so unbelievably heavy. I felt like they were important and handled well... but boy I would have loved a warning. Something along the lines of: "while UP may look like heartwarming, humorous movie depicting an old man with a square face, a tubby kid of indecipherable ethnicity, and a friendly talking dog... it's ACTUALLY a movie depicting some of life's most difficult events while attempting to give example as to how to deal with (and move past) these events." I still would have watched the movie. I bet I still would have liked it. Maybe I would have cried less, though, because I was forewarned.
Anyway, that picture up at the top of this post is a painting by Kerne Erickson. I found it online (thanks to one of the many e-mail lists I'm on), and was immediately drawn to the vintage styling. It reminded me a lot of the style of art and design used to decorate most of Disney's California Adventure. It also made me happy. Thus, it earned it's place at the top of this post. Enjoy :)
Disneyland and DCA are so fun, aren't they?
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of "lappy toppy" do you have?
By the way, I'm anchorblue on LJ. :D Hi! lol
My new one is an HP dv4t in Moonlight White. I like it a lot :)
ReplyDeleteAnd hello! Blogs > LJ. But don't tell the LJers that... haha.