Note: This is post two of two for today. Haven't read my first post? Scroll down a bit and read that one first :)

Even though I haven't written in a while, I'm able to remember most of what I've done. This is because I've started keeping track of my days again. I used to do this during my year off: whenever I remember to, I update a .txt file with a list of what I've done every day. It might seem mundane, but it's the easiest way for me to remember what's occured over a long period of time. (I have a notoriously bad memory. Being able to remember events/things is something I really value).
Hmm. Looking through the .txt right now, I'm realizing that I should update more often, just so I can better record what's been going on. I already have a list of what's happening, I don't need another one. It'd be better if I used this space to elaborate on some of the more interesting things :) Because it's been so long, however, today I'll just do some highlights.
These past two weeks have been a lot of fun - relaxing, yet surprisingly busy. Nate drove down last week, and I introduced him to some of my favorite places in Orange County. I went to Los Angeles twice: once to just hang out and pick up a few things I forgot, and the other time for my best friend's 22nd birthday. My 6 month anniversary was a wonderful night complete with Vietnamese food, a bit of Sweet Dreams®, and a late morning out (filled with tasty corned beef hash and coffee). My Memorial Day was a good one, consisting of a spectacular view, a BBQ, and a fun/refreshing swim.
Some mellow activities I've been partaking in include reading (I've since finished "This Is Cuba" and am now working my way through the enthralling non-fiction bestseller "The Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson), a bit of TV (namely parts of the Band of Brothers marathon), joy riding, and playing Bang, Fluxx, Mille Bornes, Zombies and Scrabble.
Food highlights include both going out and eating in. Off the top of my head, I remember some of the most memorable being: ordering in Thai food, Del Taco, the usual Fish and Chips place in Dana Point (although I got clam chowder the last time I went), Lollicup by the Arbor lake, coffee with friends, and trying out new restaurants with family. One of my favorite dinners (besides my anniversary dinner) was making a delicious Tomato Basil Pizza and Peach Salad in Irvine :)
Movie highlights include Tropic Thunder (which I didn't like), The Notebook (which I still love), and Anastasia (which I was able to watch on my NEW lappy toppy)!
And... the last important thing I did in the past two weeks was serve Jury Duty at the Harbor Justice Center in Newport Beach. Although I guess I didn't really "serve" - I just sat in a room for 8 hours waiting for my name to be called. When it wasn't, I had completed my "service" and was free to go for a year. It was both a relief and a disappointment - a relief because I didn't have to be bound to a trial with an unknown end date, and a disappointment because actually serving on a jury would have been interesting. Oh well, next time :)
Today I've been uploading pictures to Facebook and catching up with messages and e-mails. Choosing what picture to put at the top of this post was a challenge, since I had so many to sort through. I went with two: a simple view from the top of a hill in Irvine, and the pine tree in front of my house. I'm still trying to absorb all that is home. The other pictures I will put up in time :)
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