I'm homeeeeeeeeee! Home home home! In Irvine! Finally! :D I've only been here for a day, but it's been everything I was hoping for, so far. Which isn't TOO surprising, since I wasn't hoping for much. I was just hoping for home :)
I really needed to leave LA. For one, I was basically out of cash. I didn't have much on me to begin with (I hate carrying around cash in LA, mostly because homeless people like to come up to you and ask for money. All. The time). Anyway, I didn't have much on me to begin with, and when I didn't have a credit card for a few months (my card number was jacked and, even though my bank sent me a new one, I couldn't activate it until I called from my home phone in Irvine...), I seriously depleted my LA cash reserve.
For two, I just couldn't relax up there anymore. It was associated with so much stress, I needed to get out just so I could breathe. And sleep. Yikes. Thankfully, I'm now breathing and sleeping just fine :)
My last few days in LA were fun, though. Highlights include lunch at La Barca, and heading out to the Library Bar. And my one full day here has been pretty fantastic, too. I had an important, heartening conversation in the Lollicup parking lot, read more of This Is Cuba, and continued organizing pictures to print and send to my Grandma. I reunited with Mr. Snow, and enjoyed some home cooked fried rice. I had a delicious family dinner (a rare treat for me, what with how my own family is) in Mission Viejo, and killed my fair share of zombies. And I smiled :)
I'm looking forward to more nubbing. Six Flags. Santa Barbara. Korean BBQ and Karaoke. Westwood. Making a list of 100 things I want to do this summer... and then crossing everything off of that list.
Home home home. It's good to be home :)
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