These past (almost) two weeks have been crazy. Highlights include:
Mixed and Matched
Porcelain @ The Key Club
Vimbayi's Recital
USC Madrigal Singers Concert
Trojan Consort Concert
Voice Recital
Versailles/X-Men Origins: Wolverine @ Citywalk
Formal Dinner at Maggiano's @ The Grove
HAPArty with UCI's Mixed Student Organization
Flowers, flowers, flowers, and more flowers :)
...Plus dinners, papers, presentations, meetings, rehearsals, and other miscellaneous activities.
It was a lot of work, and a lot of singing for me, but I had fun. I always enjoy singing, and it's fun to dress up for end of the semester events. I also had a surprisingly amazing birthday, thanks to the thoughtfulness of my friends. Although I think Disneyland takes the cake for being the best part of my birthday weekend :)
I have one week of finals, and then I get to go home and celebrate my birthday with my family, and my Irvine friends. I'm excited. I have been looking forward to this summer for almost a year now, and it's finally here. Almost. Hopefully I can focus long enough to get through my finals...
Something I'm really looking forward to doing this summer is swimming laps. I miss being refreshed by uncrowded pool water, and I'm looking forward to getting back into tip top shape. I'm also looking forward to reading. I'm working my way through This Is Cuba, still, but it's been difficult because I've been so busy. It's hard to find time to just SIT. Something I find myself longing to do, often. Being able to sit and not think about all the things you have to do means that you have the luxury to do seemingly useless (but extremely pleasing) things. I can't wait for that. Can. Not. Wait.
I'm also really looking forward to taking spontaneous trips. People have been throwing around ideas, but who knows how many will actually come to fruitition. Off the top of my head, there are two that I'd really like to do: Tucson and Oberlin. Tucson, so I can visit Emilie (whom I miss DEARLY because I haven't seen her in five something months), and Oberlin so I can visit Chris and watch the second run of his new opera, "The Mermaid." I'm considering visiting my Grandma in Longview as well. That's a bit more complicated though.
Less complicated is camping. That will definitely happen :)
Tomorrow I have to seriously start studying. Academically I've been lacking this semester (which sucks, but I'm not going to stress about it if I can help it). I need to finish two papers (one being a term paper, one being a short paper) by Thursday, and I need to study like crazy for my PSYC final, also on Thursday. On the plus side, academically speaking, I found out that I received D-Clearance for my Wheel Throwing class, so I'm pretty happy about that. Even though I prefer hand building to wheel throwing, I will still be working with clay (my favorite stress relieving activity), and it only takes up two units (versus four for Advanced Ceramics). Now if only I can get into the Orchestration class I need...
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