I'm quite content at the moment. My body is tired, because I spent most of the day climbing, sliding, and wandering around Wild Rivers. It's tired in the best of ways, though, because, since taking a shower, I feel completely refreshed. Plus, it was really fun! I haven't gone to Wild Rivers since Middle School, I think, and that's what... almost nine years ago now? Eight maybe? Anyway. Good times :)
So it's actually been a while since I've written. Enjoyable things that I can remember off the top of my head include getting a double scoop sugar cone (fudge chocolate and french vanilla! a classic and completely delicious combination) at Baskin Robbins, Anhkhoa visiting, going out to eat (Le Dip, Wienerschnitzel, Black Angus, Veggie Grill, Carl's, and Mimi's for Father's Day), random games on random days (I'm going to elaborate on this in the next paragraph, I think), going to (and completely loving) the pool, Koffee Klatch and the beach (I miss this combination so much when I'm in LA), movie(s), some crazy dreams, and a bit of researching.
One thing that I've been researching is cake decorating. I love ceramics, but it's a bit expensive, so I haven't been partaking in it this summer. Cake decorating isn't cheap either, but it's edible! And easier to dispose of (and more pleasantly received) at gatherings :) Speaking of gatherings, most of what my friends and I have been doing lately have involved games of all sorts. Things ranging from Rock Band (quickly deteriorating into Cranium and Zombie Fluxx) Night, to multiple afternoons of the Enchanted Forest, to a few games of Backgammon, to wayyy too much L4D (with a dash of Soul Caliber for variety). And by wayyy too much L4D I mean WAYYY too much. I think our lowest (or highest?) point was when we played almost 8 hours worth over the course of two days. What made it worse, was we were playing into the wee hours of the morning. One night, we didn't start playing until around midnight. Fantastic. There goes getting my sleep schedule sorted out... haha.
I DID, however, appreciate the freshly made homemade pancakes that filled my tummy as a result of said late night(s).
It's kind of funny that I've played L4D so much in large group situations recently. (Even though I love the game, I've so far avoided playing in large group situations.) I like my fair share of video games, but FPS games have never really appealed to me. I've also always considered those types of games to be far nerdier than things like Mario Kart and Smash (which, to me, are comparable with things like Clue and Scrabble). It might have something to do with the fact that most of the people I knew in high school that would sit around, connect computers, and play FPS games were, well, nerdy. (I also think playing computer games in a group is nerdier than playing video games in a group... but again, that's just my own unfounded opinion.) Anyway, it's kind of ingrained in me that FPS games are nerdy games, especially when played in a large group setting. I have to admit, though, that L4D is a LOT of fun, even in (or dare I say, especially in?) large group situations. And maybe not as nerdy as all the other FPS games out there... haha.
So I missed out on Karaoke at the Detroit Bar last night (it sucks to be a woman sometimes), but I plan on going next Sunday. Also, Six Flags is in the works (again, finally), and at some point this summer I need to go kayaking. It amazes me that summer is almost half done and I haven't gone yet. Blasphemy!
Something random that I'd like to do is watch Herb and Dorothy. It's a documentary about the Vogels, a postal clerk and a librarian who built one of the "most important contemporary art collections in history." My dad is a postal worker, and I love museums and galleries, so it looks really interesting. The film is directed by "first time filmmaker" Megumi Sasaki. I watched the trailer, though, and I like his style. I think it suits the subject of the documentary, the personalities of Herb and Dorothy Vogel, as well as the genre itself. To my knowledge the film is not yet released to DVD, so the only way to see it is to attend a screening. There's one at the Orange County Museum of Art this Thursday, I believe... but I have a date scheduled for that night (:D) so I might not make it. It's OK, though. There will be screening's near me soon enough. The next convenient screening will be at the Landmark Theatre Nuart in LA... but it might be more fun to go see the screening at the Cinema Palme D'Or in Palm Desert and make a day trip, or a weekend trip out of it. Both of those screenings are at the end of July.
All this talk of screenings and museums and what not makes me want to go to a museum. Or actually, the Aquarium of the Pacific! That would be fun too.
Spending the day at Wild Rivers was a lot of fun. It got me moving to the point that I'm super motivated to do tons of things. I always WANT to do things, but whether or not I'm motivated to do everything (at every given point in time) varies depending on the day. Today? Today I'm doing things :)
This made me hungry lol!
ReplyDeleteI want to watch herb and dorothy too! Loved the trailer <3 they are so very old and cuuute!
ReplyDeletesounds like u had a great time! and omg, that CLASSIC baskin robbins double scoop makes me drool! Good luck with the cake decorating! take pictures when u make a pretty one!