Today I have two things to talk about. The first: Bubba (or Boba?), my neighbor's dog. We're watching him for the week (or 10 days, people around here aren't very specific with this kind of information).
Before I begin, I should mention that I LOVE dogs. I'm one of those people that, upon seeing a dog (any size, shape, or form), deteriorates into uninteligible happy noises. Sometimes these noises are accompanied by "ooo, doggie! such a CUTE doggie!" proclamations in a weird, I-don't-sound-like-this-on-any-other-occasion voice.
Bubba/Boba is particularly cute. Compared to my own, dear, late Skippy, however... well, he just doesn't compare. I don't mean to be harsh, but this dog is NEEDY. He is in constant need of petting, attention, playing, at all hours of the day/night. He isn't a puppy. He's just needy. Cute, but needy. I don't mind, because I love dogs. But I miss Skippy and her wise demeanor. Nonetheless, it's been fun. There's nothing quite like having a dog rush at you the second you open the front door after being out for a while. With Bubba/Boba, however, this rush comes complete with jumping and licking. Lots of licking. He has unusually bad doggy breath.
The other thing I wanted to talk about is Planned Parenthood. On a side note, I don't currently have Health Insurance. It's a temporary situation, but it's been over a year since I've had a regular check up (and I needed a few questions answered/supplies anyway), so I wanted to get in to see a doctor somewhere. I had heard that PP is a good option for women without insurance, so I decided to head over to one of the six locations in my county. I've got to say, the one I went to was FANTASTIC. Being a woman, I prefer woman doctors. PP is a woman's clinic, so that's all they have. The staff was great. My RN was fantastic. My doctor was completely down to earth. The atmosphere was chill, straight forward, and completely professional. And it was clean. AND it was EXCEEDINGLY cheep! In my current financial situation, I was able to get everything I needed (and tons more) with only the ask of a donation. What? There's no fee? Just a donation plea? That's AMAZING! I don't know why more people don't go. If not just to take advantage of this amazing place, but, if you have the means, to support it as well. To put it lightly, I was blown away by my experience. And yes, I gave a donation.
That whole morning I felt pretty empowered. Like girl power empowered. Listened to a lot of Ani DiFranco that day. I love "Stepping Stones" in particular. (It's kind of slow, not representative of all her work, but the chorus of that song really speaks to me.)
In other news, I got a haircut. Nothing drastic, but I like it. And that's it for now! The boy is on his way over for a nap, and I want to clean up my room a bit before he gets here :)
i've never been to pp... i think i should go tho, especially now with your great review!
ReplyDeleteand yay for cute haircuts!
I miss my dogs so much :( maybe even more than my family :)
ReplyDeleteMy nickname is skippy!!
Two random things.
The end
Aww I miss my dog so much! He can entertain himself though which is good!