Shades of Love went pretty well. I've decided that the best way to describe it is small, but successful. Our moderator and panelists were great; a lot of interesting discussion occurred. Speed Dating worked out well, too, and we miraculously ended up with an even number of ladies and men participating! Fun stuff.
The highlight of Saturday was a kick back at Emilie's. Riley was visiting her from Arizona, and as tradition when I, or Emilie, or whoever is visiting someone... a party is thrown so friends can gaze in wonder and meet the visiting person. And it was no different for Riley! I brought lemon bars and some Kona Longboard. Lemon bars were a hit (yay!) and the Kona was mainly enjoyed by RC and me. Some epic Catch Phrase ensued. For hours O.o Which reminds me: I really need to get that game - it's one of my favorites, but it and Taboo are both pretty expensive and I just have never gotten around to it since I know people who own it.
Today was the relaxing, clean-up day of the weekend. I can't say I'm the neatest person in the world, but I'm not the messiest and I actually HATE living in mess. It stresses me out. So while it's hard to clean during the middle of the week, I try to make it a point to clean one day on the weekend.
And then I had dinner at La Barca because we had a coupon. Tasty stuff! Better than I remembered it to be, and super (over-)filling.
Also this weekend I played through the new L4D demo. It's fun. Can't really make an opinion on it yet... but I think I'll enjoy the game at the very least. Might not obsess over this one, though, which isn't a bad thing, really :P
Watched the most disturbing SVU episode last night. Second to last episode of the second season, I think, if you're interested. Really. Really. Disturbing. Not even horribly sad. Just disturbing. Ugh.
But anyway. Four weeks of school left! I'm so excited... :D
I love catch phrase, but I don't have it either. There are lots of amazing moments like when my friend's uncle guessed "From the Womb to the Tomb" within seconds with one simple hand motion.
ReplyDeleteAlso my boyfriend and his friends are all having a LAN party from the L4D 2 release.
Allsssooooo I just found this website Everyday there is a new deal for your area. I just got $50 worth of sushi for $25 in Chicago, amazing.
yeah catch phrase is like breeding ground for amazing moments. we had so many that night. one that comes to mind is: "what you do when you wake up in the morning" answered by my (hilarious, male) friend who said with a completely straight face: "masturbate" hahahah. ahh.
ReplyDeleteyeah i'm kind of looking forward to the release! i was looking at videos today (and not studying...) and i'm getting more excited for it :) don't know when exactly i'll get to play the full thing. the xbox isn't mine, so it's up to RC when exactly he wants to get it.
groupon looks interesting! did you find it off facebook? i noticed they're advertising it on the sidebars lately haha. i'll sign up when something for LA strikes my interest :)
Actually, my boyfriend's dad told me about it, I didn't realize they were advertising on facebook. Not everything is that great, but its still good. Its like woot, but local. Today is for a car wash and it recently advertised a tailor... or something. But it changes every day, so its still worth looking at.
ReplyDeleteWell, I WANT to get it as soon as it comes out (nov 17), but it requires moneys.