I'm sick :(
Even though I've been trying really hard to take good care of myself, I woke up sick sick sick on Sunday. It's given the boy an excuse to show off his boyfriend skills, though. For example, yesterday (before he knew I was sick sick sick), he called to see if I wanted to meet him for lunch. As soon as he found out I was sick, however, the offer to bring me lunch was on the table. He then used the last of his cash (unbeknownst to me) to get me a Subway sandwich (meatball) and some Subway soup (chicken noodle) - both surprisingly good. The catch is, he didn't get anything for himself O.o He just brought everything by the apartment, and soon went to work on a big project. Aww, how sweet :)
Before I was sick, I had a really fun Saturday: Akiko and Trevor came up to hang out! At one point we swung by the Grove (they had never been!). We did a lot of wandering, and a tiny bit of window shopping, but most of our visit was at the Farmer's Market in which we browsed all our dinner options before finally settling on jambalaya (and a really delicious lula plate for Trevor).
I really like the Farmer's Market. It has a nice vibe, and while not all the food is the bees knees (I think the Brazillian place is overrated... in a "I'm not waiting in line for 30 minutes to get this BBQ" kind of way), there are some pretty delicious places. The crepe place is fantastic, for example. Anyway, many conversations and Chinese car crash tests later, I was completely exhausted but quite satisfied with my day.
Has anyone else noticed that the Christmas season began particularly early this year? Like, before Halloween was over in some stores? The Grove had most (if not all) their beautiful Christmas decorations up already... and on the patio of the Coffee Bean they were subtly playing Christmas music the other day. Most years I feel bad skipping over Thanksgiving, but this year the early anticipation comes as a relief. I'm really excited for the holidays (and the end of this semester)! :D
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