Super sore from hiking the Hollywood Sign Trail at Griffith Park yesterday. Got some good pictures, and ultimately the Retreat was a lot of fun. The challenging daytime activities made Korean BBQ afterwards that much more delicious.
Been feeling opinionated lately, so I wrote some Yelp reviews. I haven't written for Yelp in... a really freaking long time. I've since gone to a lot of restaurants that are worth reviewing: the best and the worst, of course.
Looks like I'll be going home this weekend. Wedding to go to this Saturday, and I'll be walking in something similar to Relay for Life on Sunday with my mom, I believe.
Other than that, I'm plodding through school as usual. Two midterms this week and no motivation. Let's see how that turns out.
I'm not usually a fan of hiking unless Momo is around and I can stop and take lots of pictures of her being cute on top of various rocks and things.
ReplyDeleteHaha I generally like hiking, actually. This one was unusually tough for me, though, because I just came off of a pretty sedentary summer since RC broke his collarbone and we just sat around doing non-active things for the majority of it :P