So today was a nice end to a busy week.
Woke up early to get to a 10am meeting. Spent 4 hours in the ceramics lab by myself working on a project (super relaxing). By the time I was starting to get lonely, my RC came to keep me company before we went to get a quick lunch. And then it was a rush to grab a few things before heading off to APASA's Tournament of Champions (which consisted of a Tug-of-War, Relay Race complete with inflatable obstacle course, and Trivia Game featuring marshmallow guns). Not only was the Tourney of Champs a lot of fun (I cheered like crazy during the Tug-of-War and dashed/tumbled through the inflatable obstacle course helping my Relay team win BOTH times we competed in that event), but HapaSC finished in SECOND PLACE!!! Ahh! In a competition among clubs 2 and 3 times our size. :D And THEN it was our Officer Retreat to incorporate our new officers, in which I led a short discussion about responsibilities, expectations, and goals, mainly... followed by absolutely delicious Korean dessert and tea at Hwa Sun Ji which was, thankfully, SUPER relaxing.

We all took our shoes off and sat on pillows while sipping expensive (but surprisingly worth it, even from a cheapskate like me) teas and eating Korean style shaved ice with green tea ice cream, red beans, mochi, watermelon, honey dew, condensed milk, and a bit of mochi powder. I'm used to the Taiwanese version of shaved ice, which I may have mentioned before. It differs mostly in the ingredients that are put on top of the shaved ice. For Taiwanese style, you get to choose what you put in, so when I order it I generally get it with rice balls, red beans, almond jello, and condensed milk. The Korean version (at least at the place we went to) didn't have a choice in toppings, but it was TASTY nonetheless, and similar enough that I became a happy Abra because of it :) The boy and I also shared something called "Lovers Tea" (HAHA) which is supposed to enhance chemistry between two people? Or work like an aphrodisiac? The warning on the menu said that it was for couples or soon to be couples ONLY, so we were the only two who could really try it at the time, haha. It was actually quite tasty. I think the best description of it's taste would be warm cranberry juice with floral accents. It went really well with the shaved ice!
It's going to be a busy weekend to finish off a busy week, so I'm glad I had a good Friday to break the two up a bit. I'm equally glad that part of my good Friday included a fantastic, relaxing night out with my fellow Hapa officers to calm things down a bit :)
Now I've showered, removed some old nailpolish, and prepped for a night of Law and Order: SVU with the boy. It's a good ending to a good day :)
mmmm mochiiiiii i love.