Passing by my exit on the way to San Clemente
Receiving an awesome, much appreciated gift
Grocery shopping for snacks and breakfast
Being surprised by the appearance of a much missed friend
Running around taking awesome scavenger hunt pictures
Getting drenched by a sudden downpour of magnificent rain
Crossing the line with friends
Eating tasty Japanese food with an awesome group of people
Being caught in a King's Cup triangle/square
Learning and sharing truths during Hot Seat
Interacting with amazing, non-judgmental people
Walking along the beach at night
Sitting on the roof of a building at the end of a pier
Gazing at a distant light house
Good conversation
Being cold while walking home
Piling 15 people in a beautiful 2 bed/2 bath condo
Waking up early and cooking a tasty breakfast with friends
Washing dishes
Taking a detour on the way home
Seeing my mom!
Saying hi to Mr. Snow!
Picking up my childhood lamp!
Beautiful day-after-it-rains weather
Fluffy, picturesque clouds
Drinking an iced tea latte from the Koffee Klatch
Introducing Mountain Beach to friends
Chasing after seagulls
Admiring a wise-looking pelican
Running along the shore
Losing inhibition in the waves
Sitting on my favorite rock
Staring at 180 degrees of glorious ocean
Watching a group of surfacing dolphins!
Magically appearing rubber balls and non-splintery fence posts
Playing makeshift baseball
Doing well!
Being taunted by a thieving seagull
Attempting cartwheels in the sand
Watching the sunset beyond Catalina
Driving up PCH
Singing in the car
Eating a delicious cheeseburger
Listening to three albums of Norah Jones
Staying up drawing an object of importance
Sleeping soundly, finally :)
The weather looks gorgeous. I'm in the middle of a blizzard here (and also sick) so I'm very very jealous.