This was such a fantastic weekend. If I kept a list of the best days of my life, Sunday would be on it. I can't even describe the amazingness. I will try with highlights and pictures...
Passing by my exit on the way to San Clemente
Receiving an awesome, much appreciated gift
Grocery shopping for snacks and breakfast
Being surprised by the appearance of a much missed friend
Running around taking awesome scavenger hunt pictures
Getting drenched by a sudden downpour of magnificent rain
Crossing the line with friends
Eating tasty Japanese food with an awesome group of people
Being caught in a King's Cup triangle/square
Learning and sharing truths during Hot Seat
Interacting with amazing, non-judgmental people
Walking along the beach at night
Sitting on the roof of a building at the end of a pier
Gazing at a distant light house
Good conversation
Being cold while walking home
Piling 15 people in a beautiful 2 bed/2 bath condo
Waking up early and cooking a tasty breakfast with friends
Washing dishes
Taking a detour on the way home
Seeing my mom!
Saying hi to Mr. Snow!
Picking up my childhood lamp!
Beautiful day-after-it-rains weather
Fluffy, picturesque clouds
Drinking an iced tea latte from the Koffee Klatch
Introducing Mountain Beach to friends
Chasing after seagulls
Admiring a wise-looking pelican
Running along the shore
Losing inhibition in the waves
Sitting on my favorite rock
Staring at 180 degrees of glorious ocean
Watching a group of surfacing dolphins!
Magically appearing rubber balls and non-splintery fence posts
Playing makeshift baseball
Doing well!
Being taunted by a thieving seagull
Attempting cartwheels in the sand
Watching the sunset beyond Catalina
Driving up PCH
Singing in the car
Eating a delicious cheeseburger
Listening to three albums of Norah Jones
Staying up drawing an object of importance
Sleeping soundly, finally :)