Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Would've enjoyed it more if I weren't in the second row of the theatre (I can't fathom why we used to think it was cool to sit in the front row in high school...) but alas, life can't be perfect.
I ran out of postcards a while ago so my Postcrossing activities have slowed recently. I got twenty (yes, twenty) yesterday, though, so I'm ready to reinstate my beloved Postcrossing!
Kurt was in town last week and yesterday prepping for/doing his grad school audition at USC. Last week he stayed at my place (despite my being sick) and hang time was pretty mellow (in part because I was sick). This week he didn't stay at my place, but we DID head over to Wurstkuche with friends because Wurstkuche is a pretty tasty place and I totally saw Kurt loving the idea of it. And he did :)
First general meeting went really well. I stumbled all over the place trying to explain why our amazing large-semester-event (still secret in the blog, sorry) is so amazing, but I think despite my poor introduction of it it will still be fantastic. In fact I'm sure of it.
Today I'm supposed to be doing homework and practicing voice and what not before dinner and bowling BUT I woke up late and have so far had a lazy day with the boy sooo the practicing might not happen until Monday. Oops. But homework will happen - and some Postcrossing - because I want to have absolutely no responsibilities tomorrow when the boy and I finish birthdaying!
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