Midterm, General Meeting, Project ReMiX.
A last minute recital I was supposed to sing in but missed as a result of miscommunication.
Homemade Chocolate Kahlua Cake as a result of procrastination.
Two projects due.
Dinner and (TASTY) shaved ice at SinBala.
A bit of sleep-depriving ultra meh.
Good conversation with the roommates.
A few days of much appreciated rain, which resulted in plenty of bruises...
Missed class due to a power outage and a reset alarm clock.
Prep and presentation of the HAPArty, which was a lot of fun but tiringgg.
Today I had a tasty lunch with Jimmy at The Counter. This time I created a chicken sandwich. I'm thinking I'll go back to veggie burger next time, though.
Soon I will be getting dinner with my mom.
Later it's Thomas' birthday party.
Tomorrow I'm getting breakfast with my dad.
Then it's A Very Hapa Halloween, in which I'm looking forward to pumpkin decorating, Coraline watching, and treat eating.
And then it might be a trip to Ikea. Or more likely, homework. And sleep. Hopefully.
Which is why I'm extremely grateful to be home in Irvine at the moment, relaxing on my bed, enjoying the slight breeze of the ceiling fan, and doing next to nothing. The only thing better than this would be a nap - I'm pretty tired.
Only a few more weekends and then it's Winter Break. And then it's Spring Semester. And then it's Graduation! This is all very fun, but boy is it exhausting. Can't wait to regulate my life, have a consistant job, and allot myself some more ME time!
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