It's been a while since I've consistently written in a blog; I'm not entirely sure where to start. (The last time I consistently wrote in a blog was while I was in high school. My blog was kindly hosted by a friend on his website, and it lasted a few years. When he graduated, however, the website came down and with it my blog. Since then, I've only made a few futile attempts to write consistently - all of which failed miserably - and quite honestly, I miss it. I enjoy writing...). In any case, I mentioned in my first post that I would write about some "current thoughts" so I might as well go from there.
Currently, I'm thinking about what's in front of me: my new Steno Pad. I've used steno pads for years as a way of organizing my life: writing out lists and schedules, mainly. Taking notes occasionally. I recently lost my steno pad (which was rather unfortunate, actually, as I had used it to take notes on more than one occasion for my classes. Goodbye much needed notes..!), but hesitated to start a new one in the hopes that it (my original, half-filled steno pad) would show up again. Months passed, however, and it never showed... so today I decided it was time to stop dwelling and start anew! And so it is. New steno pad, new lists, new schedules, new life. I'm optimistic today :)
I'm also inspired by Oh, Joy!, designer Joy Deangdeelert Cho's blog. I love the minimal design, and the clean organization of the layout. Plus, her posts are so interesting, and the pictures she includes so captivating, that I can't help but read through all of them at once (which I actually haven't done, because there are many, but I'm certainly tempted to). You may notice also that many of the Links I Like are artist and designer's blogs. I find these to be some of the most interesting to read because of the combination of life stories (interesting) and art (also interesting). Plus they just LOOK good. Thank you those who have a keen eye for the appealing :) This is a pretty recent interest of mine, though (thanks to Oh, Joy!), so we'll see how long those links last as Links I Like.
Finally, that picture up there is actually an old one. It's of the greenbelt by my childhood home, nearing sunset. I took it with my first 35mm camera, actually, some time before 2004. Or 2003? I can't remember when, exactly (bad memory, as I said). I do know, though, that it was one of the pictures on the very first roll of film I developed for that camera. It was my favorite at the time, and I'm happy that, all these years later, I still like it. In any case, I chose to put it in because I'd like to have a picture in every post, and I didn't want to put up a picture of a steno book.
So there you have it. My first full length post. It's a bit long. I'll work on that...
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