My sleep schedule is so out of whack :/ From the moment I left school, I started staying up too late. Way too late. This, in combination with my lack of sleep during finals week, led to a few extremely latelate nights followed by a few extremely latelate mornings... which furthur fueled my terrible sleep schedule. In conclusion, I am living a (fun but hopefully short lived?) nocturnal lifestyle. Highlights include:
Late night pizza at Italian Express in Westwood
A looong day at Disneyland
Helping my Dad move into his new apartment
A trip back to LA
Emilie time!
Recording for Arthur's latest game: Merry Gear Solid 2
Recording for Long Live the Duke
Electronics and furniture shopping!
Bang!, RocknRolla, and plenty of laughs at Ryan and Dan's
Caroling Party!! followed by LOTS of conversation...
Holiday Party!! followed by even GREATER amounts of conversation...
Late night Del with old friends! :D
Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day Dinner
Various hangs, brunches, and lunches
An overload of Desperate Housewives watching...
And a bit of gift exchanging thrown in for good measure :)
No pictures, though. I'm waiting for my new camera. It's been 7 months... but I'm told I will get it soon. (!)
My (5yearold) iPod also went kaput. Like, completely kaput with no possibility of quick fixing it. So... a new iPod is coming my way Tuesday! Good times :)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday Night
Next time I'm driving :(
Anyway. Enough ranting. The Auto Show was fun, and Versailles was exceptionally delicious, so all in all it was a good night.
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Worst Is Over
I was going to put up a picture of downtown in the rain from my window... but I decided I like this better. Same window, no rain. Just contrast :D
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Final Countdown
As for now, I will eat a grapefruit and (hopefully) study like crazy for finals. I don't have high hopes for my grades this semester. I'm going to be pretty sad when my GPA drops. But hey, I'm on the home stretch and the things I will remember about first semester senior year will hopefully NOT be the fact that I stumbled through most all of my classes, but all the good times I had, including HapaSC's end-of-semester Formal Dinner. That's the hope, at least.
In other news, I watched the Korean drama Oldboy the other night. Good movie! Very interesting. Very, "wait, whaaaaaat?". Recommended. Apparently they're making an American remake of it starring Will Smith. If it weren't for Will Smith, I wouldn't even mention the remake because remakes are usually butchered versions of the original movie starring "popular" (but generally less-than-talented) celebrities *cough*Shall We Dance?*cough*. The Korean version of Oldboy was REALLY well done (especially in the cinematography department)... but who knows. I'll watch the remake, I suppose, but for anyone who hasn't already seen it, I'd suggest watching the original first.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Pondering Thoughts
I sang in a recital today. I miss singing. I forget how much I enjoy singing, sometimes. I feel like I let a lot of things get in the way of my singing these past few years... as well as in the way of a lot of other important, unmentioned things. And now I'm nearing the end and I just want to get out. I have a feeling that a successful college career doesn't end like this, but since I don't have any experience otherwise, maybe it does.
No. No it doesn't.
I took my Dad to Disneyland for his birthday. It was fun. More pictures are below.
Lately I've been updating my Tumblr more than I've been updating this. Just saying.
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